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£irm £oundation

Our new fundraising appeal is based around finding 300 Christians who can each give £10 a month. 


UPDATE: 145/300 
















At present, by April 2025, our funds cannot sustain our teamThis means 26,000 pupils each year will not get to meet  Christians, visit churches anymore through school visits, Christmas Journey, Easter Experience and the Knife Crime projects stop.


Please spread the word! Tell everyone you know that Faith in Schools needs the 300 Christian givers we're looking for.


So here's the score

We've managed to raise the funds for this academic year through grants, appeals for giving and fundraising donations! 



Unless we find a reliable stream of income we cannot securely commit to schools for the following terms or keep our staff on contract.


Where we stand now

41 individuals and 3 churches financially support our work monthly (out of 89,245 Christians: 2021 Census). 


Our vision for this fund foundation 

Ephesians 2:19-22



Here’s how you can be a part of the 'foundation', get involved contact  or hit the DONATE button. Other ways you can help:


Are you (or know someone) self-employed or earn more than £50K?

Do you have friends, family or church members who may be in this fortunate position? Please put us in touch. You could consider giving an annual gift of £3000 for at least 2-5 years from your tax allowance.


Does your church give financially?

Could you run a fundraiser annually for us? If every church in Newham raised just £300 a year for us, we could continue.


Continue our legacy

Could YOU or someone else you know lead our sessions with our resources? Could your church continue our mission in your nearest school if we have to close?



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