Primary Lessons
Faith in Schools brings Christian visitors into schools to deliver high-quality RE lessons on Christianity in line with the local Agreed Syllabus. Pupils meet a variety of Christians from different cultures, ethnicities and church traditions and find out what it means to be a Christian today.
Faith in Schools has been working in schools since 2003. Our sessions are delivered by a small team of local Christians, led by an experienced Schools Worker. All visitors are DBS checked and all of our lessons are free!
We also organise local church visits to help children explore Christianity in their community. These include Yr 1 Christmas Journey (multisensory Nativity), and Yr 4 Easter Experience (creative workshops) and Life Expo (Yr 5/6 multi-media exploration of Jesus' life) in the summer term.
Unit: Christmas (Celebrating)
Lesson: What happened when Jesus was born?
An interactive Nativity story box or role play session with the children.
Unit: Easter (Celebrating)
Lesson: How do Christians celebrate Easter? What happened when Jesus died?
An interactive story box that retells the Resurrection. Option to discover more about how some Christians celebrate Easter through craft activities.
Unit: Identity & Relationships (Aspects)
Lesson: How do we make friends?
Pupils learn why Christians call Jesus their best friend through the Bible story of Zaccheus and compare their own experience of friendship. Option to make friendship tokens.
Unit: Visiting a Church/Special Places (Aspects)
Lesson: Why are churches important to Christians?
An age-appropriate, interactive visit to a local church OR a school visit with play based activities and artefacts to show & tell.
Unit: Lost Coin/Lost Sheep (Stories)
Lesson: How does it feel to find something that has been lost?
Pupils learn that Christians feel valued by Jesus through an interactive story box session and share their own experiences of belonging.
Additional Lessons (by request)
Caring for the World/Light & Dark (Creation)
Monsters (Daniel & the Lions’ Den)
Hope/Animals (Noah’s Ark)
Strong Foundations (Housebuilders)
Big & Small (David & Goliath)
Unit: What does it mean to belong to Christianity?
Lesson: How do some children belong in Christianity?
A role play Baptism or Christening with pupils’ participation in school or on a church visit. Christian visitors share their own Baptism experiences.
Unit: How do Christians celebrate Christmas?
Lesson: What can a church tell us about the Christmas story?
The whole year group are invited to a local church* for the Christmas Journey (see pic below) Pupils meet Nativity characters in multi-sensory scenes from the BIble.
*There is a class-based alternative as needed.
Unit: What can be special about living with family and friends?
Lesson: How does the Bible help Christian families to forgive?
An interactive story box session that retells the story of the Forgiving Father (Lost Son) with Christian visitors and pupils exchanging experiences of forgiveness.

Unit: Why did Jesus tell stories?
Lesson: Which stories did Jesus tell?
An interactive Bible parable story box session: 'Good Samaritan' or 'Precious Pearl'. Pupils & visitors explore Jesus’ message and its meaning today.
Unit: Why are different books special for different people?
Lesson: For whom is the Bible a special book and why?
Pupils browse a wide variety of age appropriate picture Bibles along with visitors. We interpret one story together in detail, usually the Lost Sheep.
Unit: Why is Easter important to Christians?
Lesson: What can we learn about Jesus’ death?
Pupils visit a local church to see the Bible account of Jesus’ death through ‘Stations of the Cross’ art; Christians share how they use these in prayer & reflection;
What do Christians remember at Holy Week?
Pupils learn about the events of Holy Week and the emotions of Christian visitors in an interactive way through props and heightened speech
Unit: Where does the world come from and how should we look after it?
Lesson: How do Christians try and look after the world?
Pupils recap the Creation Bible account (based on prior lesson with teachers). Christian visitors share different ways they try and care for the world and everyone in it;
What Christian stories tell about how the world began?
Pupils engage with the Bible account of Creation, through story box props. Pupils and Christian visitors share the most important things they understand about the story.
Unit: How do special foods and fasting help people?
Lesson: Why do some Christians fast during Lent?
Pupils take part in an interactive retelling of ‘Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness’ and discover the reasons why some Christian visitors fast. Visit can be during the season of Lent (prior to Easter) or any time.
Unit: What can we learn about special symbols and signs used in special religions?
Lesson: Why is the cross important to Christians?
Pupils investigate a collection of crosses from around the world. The meaning of the symbol for Christians is explored further through video and visitor Q&A then pupils apply concepts in their own cross design (below)
Unit: What is the significance of light?
Lesson: How do Christians use light (at Christmas)?
Pupils make a symbolic object (‘Christingle’)* to explain the symbolism of light in Christianity and explore how Christian visitors understand Jesus as the ‘Light of the World’; together we end with a candle-lit reflection.
*Outside of Autumn 2, pupils will engage with a symbolic painting and song instead.
Unit: How did Jesus and Buddha make people stop and think?
Lesson: What is the challenge in the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector?
Pupils engage with Jesus’ parable through history and drama then consider its meaning to Christian visitors today. They record the key message in their own words and relate the story to real life situations today.
Unit: Why is Easter important to Christians?
Lesson: How do Christians remember and celebrate Easter today?
The whole year group are invited to a local church* for the ‘Easter Experience’, a half-day session of creative workshops focused on what the festival means to Christians and how churches celebrate the joy of the Resurrection.
* there is a school-based alternative as needed
Unit: Why is the Bible special for Christians?
Lesson: How do Christians use the Bible in church and in the home and elsewhere?
Pupils browse a children’s Bible with Christian visitors and interpret one story together. Pupils interview Christians about their use of the Bible and it’s impact on them.
Unit: What makes me the person I am?
Lesson: Who or what influenced the life of St Francis?
Pupils explore the life of St Francis and his
legacy through music and role play. Christian visitors, possibly including a member of a local Franciscan community, answer questions about following Jesus today.
Unit: What religions and world views are represented in our neighbourhood?
Lesson: What evidence can we find of Christians in the neighbourhood helping others?
Pupils gather evidence, including Christian visitor interviews about how they put their faith into action in the local area. Pupils compare between and within communities of belief and evaluate findings based on impact.
Unit: What happens when someone gets married?
Lesson: What is a Christian wedding celebration? What are Christian wedding vows and what do they mean?
The whole year group are invited to a local church* to join in a role play wedding, along
with a reception to follow. One of our most memorable lessons, it contributes to pupils’ comparison between and within communities’ special events. Also, there’s cake… (pic left)
* there is a school-based alternative as needed

Unit: How do Christians try to follow Jesus’ example?
Lesson: How did Jesus set an example for others to follow?*
Pupils’ experience a key moment of Jesus’ teaching through role play; then interview Christian visitors who share ways they try to follow His example today. Pupils draw conclusions using body outlines.
*Life Expo church visit links to this topic.
Unit: How is Christmas celebrated around the world?
Lesson: How do Christmas traditions vary worldwide?
Pupils meet Christian visitors from different cultures and countries to explore the diverse ways Christmas is celebrated around the world. There is time to ask questions about how traditional activities link to beliefs and the BIble.
Unit: What do religions believe about God?
Lesson: What do Christians believe about God?*
Pupils examine the concept of God as Trinity and interpret an artist’s depiction of this core Christian belief. They evaluate examples shared by visitors and how this affects their lives.
*Life Expo church visit links to this topic.
Unit: What inner forces affect the way we think and behave?
Lesson: Why did Adam and Eve disobey God?
Pupils and visitors retell this pivotal story from the Bible using ‘Whoosh’ drama technique then go on to examine what forces led the characters to act the way they did. Reflect on the state of the world today through a Christian worldview and their own.
Unit: Thankfulness
Lesson: What does Christianity teach about thankfulness?
Pupils explore what Jesus says in the Bible story of the Thankful Leper. Christian visitors share how it matters to them today. A card game and creative task provide an opportunity to apply ideas and respond.
Unit: What happened on the first Easter Sunday?
Lesson: What are the main themes in the Easter story and what do they mean to Christians?
Pupils watch the Action bible video of the Crucifixion & Resurrection of Jesus; considering key Easter themes. Visitors share the difference it makes in their lives. Pupils design bespoke symbols using paint pens to make a 'graffiti' wall.
Unit: What similarities and differences do religions share?
Lesson: Why is the Church important for Christians?*
The whole year group visit a local church** and explore aspects of Christian worship, prayer & Bible reading. Pupils ask any questions they have about Christianity then compare and appraise the answers.
* Life Expo church visit links to this topic
** there is a school-based alternative as needed
Unit: How do people express their faith through the arts in Christianity?
Lesson: How can colour express religious feelings?
Pupils explore what different colours represent for some Christians and how visitors express their beliefs. Pupils create their own design to showcase their learning.
Unit: What do people believe about life after death?
Lesson: What do Christians believe about life after death?
Pupils consider Bible teachings about life and death, including a story of Resurrection. Christian visitors share their experiences & beliefs, summarising them through actions. Pupils compare their own views & respond with a poem or sketch.
Unit: What qualities are important to present day religious leaders?
Lesson: Who is an important Newham religious leader?*
Pupils interview Christian leaders with the challenge to connect answers to the Bible. Leaders’ attributes, skills, and knowledge are compared and can be used to create a church job description.
* Life Expo church visit links to this topic.
Unit: How could we design a celebration that involved everyone, whether religious or not?
Lesson: What is special about celebrations in Christianity?
Pupils experience significant moments for some Christian visitors through artefacts, music and/or food. Together, pupils and visitors compare & contrast key events such as: Thanksgivings, Baptisms, First Communions, Marriages, or Memorials within & between church traditions.
Additional (by request)
Secondary Transition (PSHCRE)
Life Expo church visit (July)